Green Light = Walk, Yellow Light = Slow Motion, Red Light = Stop.For the hearing impaired, the Traffic Light can turn their back towards the group for red light and turn around (face the group) for green light.This enables the game to move around so that when players get close to the finish line (the Traffic Light), the finish lines moves farther away. The Traffic Light can designate themselves as the finish line.Introduce new colored lights, giving variations on how to move towards the finish line, such as run on green, walk heel-to-toe for yellow light, hopping for purple light, skipping, galloping, tip toeing, etc.(the first person to the finish line could be the next Traffic Light). Play continues until all players make it to the finish line, then start another round with a new Traffic Light.Anyone still moving after the STOP command must go back to the starting line. When the Traffic Light says "Red Light," all players must STOP immediately. When the Traffic Light says "Green Light," all players move forward toward the finish line.All other players line up on the starting line. One person will be the "Traffic Light" and they will stand at the finish line.

To learn more about him, check out Saving the Day by Karyn Parsons. This game is inspired by Garrett Morgan, who was an inventor who created the red-yellow-green traffic light that we use today.