All i really need to know i learned in kindergarten
All i really need to know i learned in kindergarten

all i really need to know i learned in kindergarten all i really need to know i learned in kindergarten

sardines-and how these games relate to the nature of God. magical qualities found in a box of crayons. the love story of Jean-Francois Pilatre and his hot-air balloon reminds us to be brave and unafraid to fly. a spider who catches (and loses) a full-grown woman in its web one fine morning teaches us about surviving catastrophe. The little seed in the Styrofoam cup offers a reminder about our own mortality and the delicate nature of life. Here Fulghum engages us with musings on life, death, love, pain, joy, sorrow, and the best chicken-fried steak in the continental United States. Today, after being embraced around the world and selling more than seven million copies, Fulghums book retains the potency of a common though no less relevant piece of wisdom: that the most basic aspects of life bear its most important opportunities. More than thirty years ago, Robert Fulghum published a simple credo-a credo that became the phenomenal #1 New York Times bestseller All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Book Synopsis Essays on life that will resonate deeply as readers discover how universal insights can be found in ordinary events.

all i really need to know i learned in kindergarten

A portion of this text appeared in the Kansas City Times.-T.p. About the Book Originally published in different form by Villard Books, a division of Random House, Inc., in 1988.

All i really need to know i learned in kindergarten