It turns out that young girls’ adventures are a timeless genre, and that while we may not have “pussy hoods” anymore, we do have frozen fingers and pigtails poking out from under the head covering. It’s a delightful read, and though written back in 1940, not so dated as you would expect. If you don’t have a young girl in your life as your excuse to read this, then salute the young girl in you and read it for her. the family is named Ray, and the friends are Betsy, Tacy, and Tib. This book is the introduction of what seems to be a delicious series. and Mankato By Jo Anne Ray MAUD HART LOVELACE is a writer who immortalized a town. So it was while remembering my devotion to Trixie Belden and my fondness for Ramona Quimby that I happily devoured Betsy-Tacy, by Maud Hart Lovelace. That’s where I remember the magic, and when we picked up the seven books in the Chronicles of Narnia series, I also happily remembered the speed an adult can whip through the lower reading levels. This first book is set in roughly 1898-1899. It takes place in fictional Deep Valley, Minnesota, based on Mankato, Minnesota, the authors home town. The book is mostly about the adventures of five-year-old Betsy Ray and her new best friend, Tacy Kelly. In the last few years, I’ve been trying to read more of the youth and young adult collections. Betsy-Tacy (1940) is the first volume in the Betsy-Tacy series by Maud Hart Lovelace. And though it’s been awhile since I’ve reviewed a book (not that I’m not reading just that I’m not taking the time to collect my thoughts), I just had to sit down to encourage you (though Melissa does it far better) to go right out and start reading these books. When Melissa Wiley mentioned this series recently (and that they’re going out of print), I immediately logged onto our library website and found, lo and behold, that they were IN at our not-so-teeny-as-you-would-expect little library.