and the longer the wait, the greater the weight.Īt first there had been no need for live ammunition, anyway. Those gods might not punish at once, but sooner or later the penance would have to be paid. Roland had been raised, first by his father and then by Cort, his greatest teacher, to believe this, and so he still believed. But having ammu-nition in plenty did not mean it could be wasted quite the contrary, in fact.

They had plenty of live rounds Roland had brought back better than three hundred from the world where Eddie and Susannah Dean had lived their lives up until the time of their drawing. and her first time on the draw from the holster Roland had rigged for her. IT WAS HER THIRD time with live ammunition. I set out to read this series because I heard wizard and glass is one of King’s finest works and a brilliant love story, which I needed another one of from him after finishing 11/22/63.JAKE: FEAR IN A HANDFUL OF DUST? I ? BEAR AND BONE Either way I am stoked for Wizard and Glass, I really hope it is everything I’ve heard it is. After reading this book I’m almost certain that is the case (or part of it). I’ve had this theory that our earth and Mid-World are the same place since drawing of three. The first two books I really felt like I had trouble understanding the setting (which I still don’t entirely get) but this book really did start making things clearer. As much of a thrill ride as Drawing of Three was, Wastelands was such a greater ride. I was amazed by how much richness this added to the mystery of Mid-World, and I think I finally am starting to see how all of these various King stories connect (It, The Talisman, The Stand). I took a major step further in my journey towards the tower as I decided blow off my responsibilities for the day and read the entirety of Dark Tower: The Wastelands.